A person with intrusive daydreaming thoughts, attempting to express them through drawings.

Age 25, o

Joined on 1/23/19

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sackboy963's News

Posted by sackboy963 - March 17th, 2024

Hi, so recently I've been trying out a new drawing program called Krita and worked on an illustrated idea for 2-3 weeks, but by tomorrow I will be out of town back to my old town for personal affairs (it's not bad, just part of my life), for 2 weeks until I get back again. Don't know if I will have time to experiment on Krita without having intrusive ideas, compulsive daydreams, or dealing with personal business in general while I'm gone. For those still following me, sorry if I've been slow on publishing my own creative content, the beginning of year I have tried to plan out on working with my driving passion while dealing with life and work matters, HOPEFULLY I will still find the time for working on my drive.

Posted by sackboy963 - February 18th, 2024

Forgot to mention it here, but yeah, had some cake, have the day for myself, pretty good day.


Posted by sackboy963 - January 7th, 2024

Ever since 2019, I've noticed I have been waking up in the middle of every night. Every night when I finally go to sleep and start dreaming, it would only last a few hours, and then sooner or later I come out from dreaming. I still feel tired, my brain knows to keep my eyes shut, and I'm still staying in bed, waiting to go back to dreaming. Before I could REM sleep (I think that's what it is) through the whole night, and would wake up in the morning after the sun rises. Nowadays this sleep-awake-sleep pattern keeps happening every night, usually between 4 - 4:30 am (I just figured out now as I'm awake typing this), and I feel I should be dreaming for the whole night and not just two separate times during each night.

Is this normal for people, especially adults or adolescents? Does anyone else have this similar sleep pattern where even once they go to sleep and dream, they'll stop dreaming but stay in bed with their eyes shut until they can go back to dreaming? I'm told this is normal, but I want to know if there's anyone else going through this similar occasion. Today I woke up because either my room's more cold than warm or because of my allergies (and the area I live in is making it worse), but now I finally figure out what time I would wake up first before I could reach sunrise. I'm gonna go try to get so sleep with the remaining time I have left, but I doubt I'll be great in the sunny morning, probably going to have to drink some espresso even before breakfast, or brunch.


Posted by sackboy963 - December 24th, 2023

Merry Xmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, or neither of them if you don't celebrate any of them, hope you're all still having one good time this month!

I'm currently having a dinner party with friends of my family, although I'm a bit left out and bored, everyone else is having a good time at my end! Hope you find a happy moment at your end!

Posted by sackboy963 - November 24th, 2023

Question to every person who draws on their computers/laptops with drawing tablets,

I'm currently using Medibang Paint for practicing on my Wacom Intuos PT S CTH-490 Comic Pen & Touch Tablet. I may have the opportunity to purchase a different drawing software or a drawing tablet with a screen so I can see what I draw on the tablet instead of my computer's monitor, I have trouble watching where my stylus draws on the screen without watching where I draw on my tablet. I also heard a lot of recommendations for Clip Studio drawing software from many people who recommend a software for digital drawing over traditional drawing, but I want to hear your opinions if they agree, differ, or give the okay for Medibang Paint. I heard there are still other software alternatives such as Krita, Paint tool SAI, MyPaint, etc., but I have heard more positive expectations on Clip Studio, so that software is the first choice I have in mind. Whoever reads this, let me know when you can, I heard today's a special sales day so I want to take this opportunity.


Posted by sackboy963 - July 3rd, 2023

First off, I've been thinking about typing out short life entries of anything special that's been happening with my life, at least the ones that shows that I've made personal improvements of myself. I posted on and the response (singular), was of lack of interest, but it is mostly to remind myself that I have good traits and I'm not mostly flawed (I'm a pessimist). Users here can just scroll ahead if they're not interested in it, it's like writing a journal for myself, except that it's online, which might be more risque, so I'm still thinking if I want to do this or just write it down myself on hand, on a literal journal book. The problem on doing it by hand is that I occasionally forget things, especially writing things for my mental health treatment, or that I'm just downright too lazy to write a sentence about my day.

Second I've decided to make another account specially for ideas wikia, which is a wiki site filled with ideas mostly based on existing media, both good and/or bad. I know what you're thinking, "that is the most stupidest idea you had than you making a twitter account in the first place", but here's the thing: I believe I have excessive/maladaptive daydreaming and most occasions intrusive thoughts which has been a problem in my life since beginning of grade school. I remembered a long time go I had another old account where I wrote down at least two ideas, and I realized I never thought or daydream those ideas ever again (mostly because I feel they were bad idea concepts), so if it actually controls my daydreaming, who am I to not try out this? The link below should show what my username is "Sackofideas" (I don't know if there are *ssh*l*s on the internet that would hack an wikia account since they love challenges, so that's my current username for now), just to let you know my wikia user profile. There might be some good ideas, bad ideas, and straight up dumb ideas, and there might be positive, negative, nondetailed, or no responses to them, but personally I'm doing this to vent out any ideas I daydream about out of my mind system, and hopefully my mind will lose interest in them by time and I can finally focus better in my life.

You can give out your thoughts about any ideas I may vent out to that ideas wikia platform, all I ask is that you at least give a little more details on what is good/bad, how it works or not, what's right/wrong about it, and maybe some suggestions about the ideas, but just please don't make an account and then edit it yourselves (I've seen this done before, it has been bothersome when I find some changes that don't work that I have to change them myself constantly, which completely demotivates me from the idea).



Posted by sackboy963 - May 16th, 2023

Today I made a big screw up with a family member of mine. What surprised me was that they came to apologize for yelling at me. Usually they are very stubborn when it comes to apologizing, even if clearly they're at fault and they just refuse to admit it, but it feels like a good improvement from them. Of course I apologized back on behalf of my screw up, and they understand that it "happens". It may not be the best apology from them, but it's a good start for them to improve themselves, probably should have told them I was really grateful they came to apologize for a certain matter since they're very stubborn about it.


Posted by sackboy963 - May 13th, 2023

Few days ago I went to a neighbor's home to get to know their offspring and their friends. The social communication I scored pretty low at the pool, but we later had a game of poker, and I lasted much longer than I thought I would without busting out (we didn't get to finish the game, it was almost 1 am when we were still playing).

Posted by sackboy963 - May 5th, 2023

Happy Pico Day y'all.

Posted by sackboy963 - May 5th, 2023

You ever have one of those moments when your right brain goes "I have an idea that I'm daydreaming the small details around it and hopefully one day to share the world with it!" and your left brain goes "IT IS 3 - 4 AM IN THE #@%*&!^ MORNING, YOU WOKE ME UP FOR THIS?!"