Oh this will definitely get Frontpaged.
Update: Called it
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Oh this will definitely get Frontpaged.
Update: Called it
This is a unique idea to gain an audience for DJ Gray, a comic dub featuring ideal voices for the characters. I understand why you didn't upload the comic dub here, but just to let you know, there WAS a comic dub video titled "The Hunter Gets Hunted" that was in P-Bot's daily picks in 5th place on Apr 10, 2021. It is in the lowest rank, but it was in P-bot's list.
Yeah, I was conflicted about it. Decided against it since the general consensus I could find was that people here do NOT appreciate them being uploaded.
Visuals were really pretty, especially the motion rotation effects around the house. Music was pretty clever, one being a gentle lute in the normal realm and another being more intense and sinister in the hellish realm. It is pretty clever to figure out which spell works more against an enemy and which doesn't do much or that they're immune to it. Now my problems are that the first spell I tried does absolutely nothing, only the thunder and fire spells take affect towards the enemies. As for the mouse control I am using the mousepad and not a wired/wireless mouse so it is a bit frustrating for me. The clicking does not respond fast enough for me and moving the mouse there is hardly any reaction in time to rotate the character. If you are playing this game, DO NOT USE THE MOUSEPAD, use a separate computer mouse, it could be more responsive and easier to control.
I made the blizzard magic longer when aiming vertically now, so it should now cover the range of its animation shown on screen. And I agree, something more precise would help using the mouse for aiming.
Current high score: 262
Really not much, need to press the right key based on the position of a word, doesn't matter what the word is if it's left hit the left button, if right hit the right button. Not much difficulty, very simple, nothing special. Art visual is at least somewhat nice.
This was pretty good, had to figure closest quests I could take, the chest minigame at first I couldn't figure out until second I realized I need to find one that doesn't shake. Took me two tries to reach the proper ending instead of a game over. My highest score is 1,612 gold and 38 quests, but when I hit back on my phone, Newgrounds does not save my high score. Besides the high score saving problem, this was a nice short game jam.
Update: Tried on a computer, Newgrounds manages to save my score but it's 200 less than my second try.
You know, I'm not into these kinds of R&B songs with lacking of instruments (treble, bass, drums), but this deserves a 5 star rating for me because the lyrics hits so much for me. I relate to this song due to dealing with someone in my household for almost 7 years now. I am tired of their BS and I am sick of them playing with me with their games. Even though me and my relative have to put up with his narcissism, they have been a big help throughout our lives, especially with the house moving renovating process. But they don't seem to be reflecting on their own problems and keep pinning it down to others (especially with me, I know I'm flawed but there's so much I could take with every problem pointed out).
I don't know how much longer me and my relative can put up with them, we just want them to stop playing us like a complete cock.
i really hope things will heal for the better. i was going through a lot when i made this song
You know, Newgrounds should really keep up to date and frontpage your episodes for every upload, this podcast can be inspiring for other animators.
Hold up, let her bake.
happy birthday
It'll take more than a hug to treat my mental disorder, but thanks for the offer though.
A person with intrusive daydreaming thoughts, attempting to express them through drawings.
Age 26, o
Joined on 1/23/19