Well get hyped because Zeurel released a character sheet for her, which hints she's getting a major role in the next episode.
Well get hyped because Zeurel released a character sheet for her, which hints she's getting a major role in the next episode.
Oh neat, but also odd, it'd make this universe feel smaller but who knows.
I recognize her from the first episode, has she been promoted from background to major character?
If these shorts that are now being released were unreleased before, when were these shorts finished producing? I know that this show's second season was cut short due to cancellation so seeing them now seems strange for Nick/Paramount to be releasing them, doesn't seem like they're interested in promoting them now after their decision. Unless they are considering renewing this series due to the movie's influence towards it's viewers and the internet.
We finished animated those shorts around 2019-2020, they were unreleased for years till recently after the movie released.
Just started watching it recently, haven't finished but planned to.
I wished this series got it's 4th and 5th season as it was planned to have. It was bad enough Disney bought Marvel and it ended the Spectacular Spider Man, now they neglected their own franchise properties. I can't forgive the Disney company for this and I cannot acknowledge their current and future content again.
Oh shit I remember reading the first chapter, haven't came back to reading it. These character designs are really unique.
Hope to also see it on Newgrounds too!
Don't you call me pudgy, portly, or stout
Just tell me once again who's fat?
Dear god this is too relatable to be funny, I suffer the same problem as well, just rewrite the green block with one new knowledge and rewrite the purple block with an old knowledge, and the cycle repeats itself, it's agony.
Pretty good, unrelated note, are you interested in the re-reboot of the PPG? Apparently this time Craig Mccracken is coming back to work on it. Personally I like Mccracken's original pitches like Kid Cosmic.
I'm very excited
A person with intrusive daydreaming thoughts, attempting to express them through drawings.
Age 26, o
Joined on 1/23/19