Not bad, it’s nice to see a variety on this site. MMD is not much of my interest, but this looked pretty good. Unfortunately, the song was hard to enjoy this, especially the vocaloid, so 3 1/2 stars.
Not bad, it’s nice to see a variety on this site. MMD is not much of my interest, but this looked pretty good. Unfortunately, the song was hard to enjoy this, especially the vocaloid, so 3 1/2 stars.
Thanks for the feedback. That was the first time I use vocaloid. I will definetily try to improve on that to make it sound more natural and enjoyable
Congrats! This video was on the Best New Games & Movies list!
WOAH! Seriously?! :O
Before I wanted to give cons about this animation like that we don’t get to know much of the other characters like the pumpkin boy’s parents or friends, I had to give it a really high rating. Not only does the music fit so well for this, but on how you expressed the pumpkin boy’s expression while the music plays, I started to shed tears for the poor pumpkin boy. Fortunately there’s still a heartwarming ending after that which wraps it up greatly. It has been a while since I could ever shed tears on any dramatic or sad moment until now. Beautiful job you magnificent monster.
Edit: just one question, what track(s) did you use for your animation from Ryan Camus? I found one that was named “seven” but I feel you used more than one track.
Thanks for appreciating! As for the tracks, I used 13 then 7. And 2 for the credits.
This was good, and good timing uploading this on October. I almost felt the revealed monster design looked ridiculous and silly which dropped the frighting atmosphere, but the fear was made up after what happened to the last survivor.
A person with intrusive daydreaming thoughts, attempting to express them through drawings.
Age 26, o
Joined on 1/23/19