Oh hey, I think this is your first animated short that got 1st in Daily Features!
Oh hey, I think this is your first animated short that got 1st in Daily Features!
Yeah, got surprised >w<
Yesterday it was immediately frontpaged after it was posted, and today it's now #1 on Daily Feature! Congrats!
I never expected such overwhelming support for my animation. I'm so happy so many people are enjoying it.
Thank you so much!
This is the one video parody that had me look up on "Bananas in Pyjamas".
Besides that, pretty funny parody, the climatic ending was my favorite. The animation resembles more of Ukinojoe than Meatcanyon.
Will we ever find out what happens in the end?
Maybe one day!!
Wait, you rated this for teen not mature!? And this was still frontpaged!?!?
I mean yeah? I rated it pretty honestly. Nothing too far off from what I’d watch on Adult Swim as a kid, minus the F bombs
I didn't know this got frontpaged, just say it on P-bot's daily picks in second place, along with two foamy the squirrel videos. I saw your video in like the bottom right hand corner of the frontpage category.
lmao this is quality
I never really expect short informative videos like these with short gameplay footage would be allowed in Newgrounds, or get into P-Bot's daily picks list again. Newgrounds is slowly opening up to different content, a little bit. Regardless, congrats on daily 5th place.
Much appreciated, pal. There's some content I produce that doesn't find its way to Newgrounds, but if I strike a good balance between gameplay and my crude animation style, I like to share my works here for folks to enjoy!
Never have I seen so much "love" for an animal crossing character this much, and I don't even play animal crossing.
Me too :3
The animation looks great and all, but why is it when the cactus dog injures both the little cactus boys' left hand, the next scene it shows it's their right hand that has been injured?
thanks! ah, yeah we totally hiccuped there but I think animators were trying to make the pose flow better, would have looked odd with the other hand I guess
I take littlbox falling off means he won't be partaking in the Newgrounds podcast. Is ninjamuffin99 going to participate?
Edit: this comment is now outdated as littlbox has revived from his fall and now joins the crew.
A person with intrusive daydreaming thoughts, attempting to express them through drawings.
Age 26, o
Joined on 1/23/19